An email alias is an email which uses the very same mailbox along with the primary e-mail address. For instance, you could have as your original e-mail address and add an alias The two email addresses will be able to share exactly the same mailbox, so emails sent to both of them shall be received in one place. Feel free to use aliases for several reasons, like getting in touch with numerous types of people or signing up on web sites. If you ever begin to get lots of spam, for example, you can just delete the alias while your actual mailbox will not be changed in the slightest and you'll retain the emails that you need. Aliases in many cases are considered to be an alternative to forwarding emails from one email address to a different one if you use several email address for contact on your site.

E-mail Aliases in Shared Hosting

It is easy to make lots of e-mail aliases with the shared hosting packages we provide. Adding an alias to any existing email address inside your account takes a couple of clicks and you’ll also be able to create or delete aliases whenever you want. This can be done through the Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, used to handle the hosting accounts. The feature will save you precious time when you need to manage the electronic communication for different sections, each one having its own e-mail address. Once you send a reply to a customer, they'll receive the email coming from the alias, not from the main email address associated with the mailbox. When you've got numerous web sites and email addresses, you're able to combine working with aliases along with our email forwarding feature as it may be more convenient and time-saving to receive all messages in one place.

E-mail Aliases in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you have a semi-dedicated server through our company and you wish to create aliases for each active email address in the account, it will not take you more than a couple of clicks to do that. It is easy to create or remove aliases for a given mailbox at any time from the Emails area of the in-house developed Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, which comes with the semi-dedicated packages. The function allows you to control your email correspondence much easier if you use numerous email addresses in various sections of your web site. When you combine it with our email forwarding feature and the filters you could create, replicates of all incoming messages delivered to different e-mail addresses/aliases may be kept both in the original mailbox for common usage as well as in the email addresses of other people - business staff responsible for various tasks, for instance.