A middleman-free server virtualization

A host OS kernel-based virtualization

The primary difference between KVM-powered virtual servers and nearly all other types of Virtual Private Servers is the virtualization infrastructure itself. With KVM, there is absolutely no need for any supplementary virtualization program to be run on the physical server – the needed software commands are included straight into the host OS kernel itself instead. This drastically minimizes the system resources that the physical server has to set aside to be able to run extra apps and in turn makes those resources available to the virtual servers. The lack of an extra communication layer also curtails the I/O wait time, effectively making your virtual machine run markedly faster.
A middleman-free server virtualization

NVMe–built VPS Hosting Platform

Your resource–demanding sites will now come to be ultra–fast

Each individual KVM VPS plan supplied by Computer Lifeline is pre–loaded with lightning–fast NVMes. They deliver a lot faster file access and considerably better read/write rates compared with the common harddrives. In reality, these NVMe disks can make all of your web pages stream faster. Plus you won’t have to change anything to take advantage of the amazing benefits offered by the NVMe disks.

NVMe–built VPS Hosting Platform

An OS of your liking

Grab the Operating System you choose

With a KVM-based Virtual Private Server, you will be fully autonomous from the main server as far as the OS is concerned. The KVM virtualization methodology permits virtual machines to communicate directly with the physical server’s hardware components, without the need to go through a separate virtualization layer. That way, with the correct ISO disk image, you can install any OS that can run on your server
An OS of your liking

A tremendously improved resource usage

Efficient use of system resources

Virtual servers usually demand an additional communication layer between them and the host server to handle system resource administration. This results in a considerably curtailed amount of available system resources for the VPSs themselves. With KVM, this additional layer is eliminated, as the virtualization platform is implemented straight into the physical host machine’s OS. Hence, all the resources that the physical host machine is offering can be utilized by the KVM-powered virtual servers that have been created. This resource availability provides you with that extra advantage you need so that you can make your sites and web applications stick out amongst your competitors’.
A tremendously improved resource usage

A Free Dedicated IP

A dedicated IP address completely free with each VPS

With every single KVM VPS plan, you’re going to be rewarded a dedicated IP address for free.

A Free Dedicated IP

No VPS Startup Expenses

No startup or networking routine maintenance fees

Our KVM VPS plans are based on a leading–edge virtualization technology that offers you more autonomy from the other buyers on the web server. The certificate cost of this technology raises the worth of a VPS plan in comparison to that of a typical cloud web hosting pack. To compensate for the somewhat higher price, we won’t impose any setup and network routine maintenance fees.

No VPS Startup Expenses

A 99.9% Network Uptime

We manage a secure network for you

We work in cooperation with a data center in the U.S.A. to maintain a dependable internal system. By means of top–quality server hardware and proficient admins, we look to warrant a 99.9% uptime for your KVM VPS plan and an effortless browsing stay for your visitors.

A 99.9% Network Uptime

Our Service–level Guarantees

day–and–night support and no installation service fees

Your own KVM VPS plan will be configured in approximately one hour following sign–up. We won’t charge you any startup costs, so the price tag you see on our site is the end cost for the VPS. We have put in effort and time in building our very own indoor network and can easily warrant a 99.9% system uptime for your VPS. In case you need help with any of the pre–installed in advance software applications, you could benefit from our assistance service 24/7.

Our Service–level Guarantees

24x7 Guidance

Your VPS will be in secure hands

Our support staff is on duty for your business 24x7 to help you with any tool that your VPS arrives pre–equipped with. Any time you demand help with the SolusVM Panel or have queries about the installed webhosting Control Panel, Computer Lifeline consultants are ready to help.

24x7 Guidance

Cost Free Add–Ons for all of Your sites

Web accelerator software tools, a domain reseller account and a lot more

The KVM VPS plans have a set of absolutely free add–ons, which include a dedicated IP address for your site. At the same time, we incorporate a website reseller account and the ClientExec help & charging application to make it easier to start off your personal reseller hosting business.

Cost Free Add–Ons for all of Your sites

VPS Backup

We can easily recover your critical info in any event

We are aware of how upsetting it is to lose the content of your web site mistakenly. This is exactly why we provide you with a backup service with each KVM VPS plan. Our well–trained system administrators will copy all the things on the web server – from your webpage’s data and data bases to your web server settings and PHP configurations.

VPS Backup

Full Root Server access to the Web Hosting Server

100% access to to every aspect of your web server

Having full root accessibility to the KVM VPS plan (with cPanel), you could grow to be a manager of your own personal web server environment. This level of connectivity lets you install an OS or change the Apache hosting server options. You could also deploy all types of software apps and reboot the hosting server whenever you want to. Because of our Installation & Troubleshooting pack, you could leave this work to our well–trained admins.

Full Root Server access to the Web Hosting Server

Hepsia Reseller Tools

Make a profit using your server

Experience the capabilities of the Computer Lifeline web hosting dashboard in starting your very own wholesale hosting brand effortlessly. Utilize the Manage Accounts feature to establish up to 5 independent subaccounts, each ripe for resale to your preferred target market. Even if selling hosting isn't your primary focus, making use of additional accounts can effectively compensate monthly server expenses. Please note that while Managed Assistance packages are offered, assistance with invoice or client support is not within our capacity.

Hepsia Reseller Tools