What is Open-Realty®?

Open-Realty® is the world’s biggest web application for generating and also operating a high quality, cutting–edge real estate website. This is the most robust, well–performing and flexible real estate listing management application, which provides you everything you need to maintain a very competitive real–estate website.

Open-Realty® gives you a WYSIWYG page manager for enhancing custom website content, a built–in blog system, which lets you include listing details directly into blog articles, an option to upload a number of images, files or virtual tours at the same time, etc. Your listings and site content are going to be conveniently indexed via the internet search engines.

Open-Realty® is a trademark of Transparent Technologies, Inc. and is not connected with Computer Lifeline.

Open-Realty®–Optimized Shared Hosting Plans Services

When you’ve got a company site on which you count for income, it’s critical not just to maintain this website online, but moreover to maintain it operating as effortlessly as you can. And that is just what you’ll notice employing the specially optimized Open-Realty® shared hosting plans solutions you can buy from Computer Lifeline.

Our company offers shared hosting plans plans which include a 99.9% server uptime guarantee. We have designed our own shared hosting system, which will, in addition to a custom network, gives us adequate server power to hold our guarantee whatever happens. And additionally, we will present you with limitless disk space, unrestricted data traffic and limitless MySQL database storage space allocations.

A Point & Click Online Control Panel

Our Open-Realty®–optimized shared hosting plans plans will give you total control over your Open-Realty® web site because of the in–house produced Online Control Panel. It’s available in over 10 languages and styles, so that you can entirely personalize it according your preferences.

The Control Panel delivers a drag–and–drop File Manager in which your Open-Realty® installation files and your web site files are going to be located, a Databases Manager for your own databases, in addition to a feature rich Email Account Manager through which you can manage your e–mail. Also, we’ve included a detailed statistics tool, which will keep you updated on your site traffic and resource consumption in real time.